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apar powder khusus untuk di rumah

P 300 ABC 90


SERVVO Dry Chemical Powder, merupakan produk andalan dalam memadamkanberbagai kelas kebakaran. Mengandung 90% Monoammonium Phospate, paling efektifuntuk memadamkan semua risiko kelas kebakaran A (benda padat mudah terbakar), B(cairan dan gas mudah terbakar), dan C (listrik). Media Dry Chemical Powder SERVVOmemiliki standar internasional yaitu UL approved part No.711 (ABC 90% UL). SERVVO DryChemical Powder juga hadir dengan model APAP (Alat Pemadam Api Portabel) dan APAB(Alat Pemadam Api Beroda).

    • A multipurpose fire extinguisher that is suitable for multiple fire class applications, such as solids, liquids, and electronic equipment.
    • Uses Monoammonium Phosphate 90% as the agent, which is very potent for extinguishing fires.
    • Equipped with safety valve to prevent excessive pressure buildup within the cylinder.
    • Seamless and powder coated cylinder design that is able to withstand higher pressure than welded cylinders and have UV light resistance.
  • Agent Dry Chemical Powder PC ABC 90% (UL)
    Type Stored Pressure N2 (Nitrogen)


    3 kg
    Fire Class  A , B , C
    Cylinder Seamless
    Discharge Range (m) 2 s/d 7
    Minimum Discharge Time (sec) 15
    Total Height (mm) 445
    Total Width (mm) 268
    Cylinder Diameter (mm) 130
    Operating Temperature Range  -20 s/d 60
    Working Pressure  15 bar
    Approx. Weight (kg) 5.4
    Fire Rating*


    Fire Rating** 21A.144B
    Labeling Screen Printing
    Finishing Color : Red, UV Resistance Powder Coating


    Fire Rating* = Fire Rating of the results of the UPT Fire and Rescue Laboratory - Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan Jakarta.

    Fire Rating** = Fire Rating is equivalent to EN3 standard (European Norm 3)

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