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Be careful ! Don't stack sockets because it caused Electrical Fire

Bahaya Penumpukan Terminal di Stop Kontak
Bahaya Penumpukan Terminal di Stop Kontak

Did you know that a common habit of our society, which is stacking too many plugs in the socket, can cause the cable plugs to burn out and short circuit the electricity, causing a fire!

Each terminal or socket has a predetermined power limit with a certain amount of current. If overused, the load will be so large that it exceeds the power limit, then the socket can caused electrical fire and melted. This is what often causes fires. because, sockets distribute current to various electrical appliances that are being used simultaneously.

These thing that you should aware of electrical fire :

  1. Always consider the electrical load used. do not use an extension on electrical equipment that has a large electrical load at one point. Example; Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Rice Cooker, Hair Dryer, Oven

  2. Avoid using more than 3 large electrically charged electrical appliances

  3. Always use sockets or plugs that are licensed with SNI certificate

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