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Stay Calm, Here's How to Prevent a Fire in Your Workplace !

penanggulangan kebakaran di empat kerja

Fire is one of the most feared things in all places. Not only does it cause damage, fire can also cause death. For example, where we work such as in factories, offices, restaurants or anywhere that has the potential for fire accidents.

Not many people know, but the cause of fire also has several factors, be it from human negligence or external accidents from the object itself.

In this article, we will discuss how to prevent fires in your workplace, let's listen below!

Factors that cause fires in the workplace

First, we have to identify what usually causes fires in the workplace, such as :

Cable Usage

In the use of cables in the workplace location must also be considered. Usually, the cause of fires that often occur due to the use of cables because the cables used are outdated, not suitable for use or even have been bitten by rats and cause the cable wrapper to be damaged which results in a short circuit.

These conditions are important to check regularly, so that fires do not occur. If it has already happened, then the short circuit will cause sparks and can cause the office to burn completely. The solution is to try to contact a specialist from the electrical installation and have the cable replaced as soon as possible.

Loose socket outlet

If we discussed the cable earlier, here we will discuss the socket that is no longer suitable for use. If your socket is loose, this will cause a bad electric current and make the electric current cut off continuously and there is a collision between positive and negative electricity. So that it will cause sparks in the socket.

If you notice a loose socket, do not use the socket again, or mark it by closing the socket until you report it to the electrician.

penanggulangan di tempat kerja

Watch your stove usage

Wherever we use a stove, the potential for fire also exists. Often encountered in offices, where there is usually a canteen or a place to rest, we need to pay attention to the use of the stove. For example, after using it, make sure the stove is closed and turned off completely so as not to run out of gas.

If the stove forgets to turn off the gas that will be able to ignite the fire around the stove and can explode. So don't forget to turn off the stove !

Cigarette butts thrown away carelessly

Cigarette butts can also cause fires from flying gray and igniting flammable materials. If you work in a factory that has flammable areas such as laboratories that have flammable chemicals, make sure that you smoke away from your work area, as it can lead to fatal accidents.

Overloading of the socket

Kelebihan penggunaan colokan listrik di satu stop kontak juga memicu sebuah kebakaran di kantor. Kamu pasti pernah melihat colokan stop kontak yang penggunaannya lebih dari 1 colokan kan ? dalam hal ini, pastikan tidak menggunakan device yang melebihi 13 ampere dan 3000 watt.

These five things are common causes of fires in your office or workplace. Then what steps need to be taken to prevent this further?

Prepare fire extinguishers for fire management in your workplace!

The placement of fire extinguishers in the office has become one of the standardizations of each development according to the regulation of the minister of labor and transmigration (Permenaker) 04 of 1980.

Actually, APAR in your workplace is something that must be considered by the company owner, for what? For mutual safety, especially responsibility for their employees. So make sure your workplace has APAR to ensure mutual safety and ways to deal with fires in your workplace!

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