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Reasons why it is necessary to refill fire extinguisher regularly!

Do you know that APAR (Indonesian) or Fire Extinguisher must be refilled regularly? Moreover, Fire Extinguisher is a security tool that must always be ready to use. So these Fire Extinguisher must be checked and refilled regularly according to government regulations, namely every 2 years, for example to ensure expiration and pressure drop in .

If it is only used once and a bit, does the fire extinguisher have to be refilled? Fire Extinguisher can only be used once, because if the seal has been opened, over time the pressure indicator will decrease, it can be seen from the needle indicator pointing towards the left in the red area and the media inside is no longer in good condition. So, it is feared that when Fire Extinguisher must be used in urgent conditions Fire Extinguisher is no longer in good condition or even does not function anymore.

But there are still many APAR users who do not understand the importance of checking and refilling APAR on the grounds of not wanting to bother and limited costs. Even though Servvo already has one of the Servvo Site Service (SSS) services, namely the on-site refill service. So Servvo can come directly to your place and refill APAR quickly, easily and economically with the best quality and service. For more information, please contact Servvo's WhatsApp Hotline and !

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